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General Organization (Student Government)

General Organization (G.O.)

The General Organization oversees various extracurricular organizations and clubs at Wantagh High School by ensuring that fundraising events are appropriate and feasible while attempting to unify our clubs through various means. G.O. spearheads our pep rally, homecoming, spirit week, spirit night, toy drive, food drive, alumni reception, and senior BBQ. Overall, our organization is working toward uniting our clubs and community while promoting spirit and pride.

In order for students to be part of the organization, they must submit an application early in their freshman year, and from there, the G.O. board selects some applicants for an interview. Once accepted to the club, students are expected to remain part of our organization for the entirety of their high school career.  

G.O. Elected Officers 2022-2023

Presidents: Sean Browne and Nyla Lester

Vice Presidents: Maylani Lee and Nicole Tobia

Treasurer:  Madeline Rose

Public Relations:  Isabella Cicero and Madelyn Hartmann

Secretaries:  Josh Berlin and Aditya Pasricha