Scholarships and Awards Galore for Wantagh Seniors

With graduation less than a month away, it’s celebration season for Wantagh High School’s Class of 2024. On May 28, more than 80 students and their parents gathered for senior awards night, an annual event that recognizes academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, community service and overcoming adversity.
“The students all have achievements that make Wantagh proud,” said Darlene Thompson, who organized the event along with Deanne Pepe.
The program included several recognition awards and scholarship presentations. Maylani Lee received the Board of Education Paideia Award for Leadership, Scholarship and Service, which goes to the class valedictorian. The salutatorian, Catherine Ibrahim, was presented with the Superintendent’s Excelsior Award for Achievement and Dedication. The top academic pair also earned the President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence.
Principal Dr. Paul Guzzone presented an additional 15 students with the President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement. The Wantagh High School Assistant Principal Award, on behalf of Nick Pappas and Dr. Christopher Widmann, went to Stephen D’Amato and Brighid Smith.
Dozens of students were presented with scholarships from parent-teacher organizations including the Wantagh 6-12 Association, PTA Council, Forest Lake, Mandalay and Wantagh elementary PTAs, and SEPTA. Several local organizations including the American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Mandalay Homeowners Association, Sons and Daughters of Italy, Wantagh United Teachers, Wantagh United Retirees and Wantagh Aides and Monitors also presented financial awards.
Four new scholarships were awarded this year. The Forest Lake PTA presented the James Lodato Memorial Scholarship, in honor of a student who died from cancer in 2018, to Jacqueline Mundy. The William D. Desroches Memorial Scholarship, in memory of a student who tragically died in an accident last summer and would have been a junior this year, went to Alexander Fasano. The Robin LaBohm Memorial Scholarship, named for the former summer recreation director, was presented to Kenneth Annunziata and Rielly Ross, with Kadyn Fiorello receiving the Danielle DeLuca Memorial Scholarship.
Dr. Guzzone commended the recognized seniors for their hard work and perseverance throughout their four years of high school.
“Our seniors have made a positive impact on our school and community, and showcased their talents in innovative ways,” he said. “They are here because they consistently gave their best, even when it was difficult. Their resilience and determination are truly commendable.”