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Retired NFL Super Bowl Champ Shares Winning Advice with Sports Marketing Students

Posted Date: 05/02/2024

Retired NFL Super Bowl Champ Shares Winning Advice with Sports Marketing Students

Retired cornerback Perry Williams, who played for the New York Giants from 1984 to 1993, recently made a guest appearance in the Sports Marketing College Class at Wantagh High School, where he shared insights on effective marketing techniques with students. Currently leading the Sports Management program at Long Island University, Williams emphasized the importance of showcasing one’s skills to succeed in the competitive world of sports marketing.

During the session, students presented snippets of their advertisements crafted the previous week, aiming to captivate audiences with compelling content and catchy phrases. One slogan, "How bad do you want it?", set the theme for Williams' engaging discussion.

A self-proclaimed visionary, Williams shared his journey from a challenging upbringing in a broken home, where he was raised by his mother and grandmother. Determined from a young age, at 11, he shared his goal to attend college and win a Super Bowl championship—a goal he achieved, earning not one but two rings after graduating from North Carolina State University on football and track scholarships. He explained how he exhibited the right attitude and discipline needed to be great.

Williams stressed the significance of discipline, work ethic, manners, and effective self-marketing for success both on and off the field. He emphasized, "If you can’t do the little things, you won't be able to do the big things."

As the class period came to an end, Williams urged students to surround themselves with positive influences, seek out like-minded individuals, and learn from the wisdom of older mentors—a reminder of the importance of building a supportive network in pursuing their aspirations.


Retired NFL Player Visits

Retired NFL Player Visits