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Literary Connections Blossom for World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day


Wantagh students and staff bonded over the written word on Feb. 7 as the district celebrated World Read Aloud Day.


All five schools were part of the experience. Several administrators served as in-person guest readers at Forest Lake, Mandalay and Wantagh elementary schools. Additionally, students and teachers from the middle school and high school read books aloud to elementary classes via videoconference. 


Nearly 50 partnerships were formed between elementary classes and secondary guest readers. Wantagh’s sixth annual World Read Aloud Day celebration was coordinated by Director of Humanities Julie Rosslee. 


“This annual celebration honors the significance of hearing the written word read aloud” Ms. Rosslee said. “To mark this international day of reading recognition, our student and adult readers facilitated magical and memorable experiences for the district’s learners.”


World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day