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Science Student Awarded for Amazing Work

A study on the memory of fruit flies earned Wantagh High School senior Julia Froese recognition from the Nassau County chapter of the Science Teachers Association of New York State. She will accept her award at a dinner on May 17.

Each high school was invited to select one student to recognize for his or her outstanding work in science. Julia is a member of Wantagh’s afterschool science research program, and this year her project focused on fruit flies and if a microgreen diet could improve their memory. 

She fed the fruit flies a solution of water, corn meal and different percentages of microgreens, including a control group that had none. Then, she released her fruit flies into a maze and noted how fast they went through each time. On the second time through the maze, the fruit flies that ate a solution that included microgreens went through quicker, she said, meaning it had a positive effect on their memory.

“I’m very honored to have had this opportunity to do research and explore something that I’m passionate about,” said Julia, who will be studying neuroscience next year at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

This is her first year in Wantagh High School’s science research program. Teacher Christen Bellucci said she is very proud of Julia for her hard work on the project and commitment to her research, and is very deserving of the award from STANYS. Julia is awaiting results of her project’s entry into the Long Island Science Congress.