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Student Trustees Aim to Inform and Educate

Every year, two Wantagh High School students get the privilege of sitting up on the stage during board of education meetings, tasked with informing the community about the school’s vast array of programs, events and accomplishments. This year, that honor has gone to general organization co-presidents Sean Browne and Nyla Lester.

Sean, a senior, and Nyla, a junior, participated in their first board meeting on Sept. 15, and are slated to attend every regular business meeting through June. They don’t vote or attend executive session, but have dedicated time each month to give a report. They talk about past and upcoming events, academic and athletic achievements, club happenings, fundraisers, spirit activities and more. 

As presidents of the general organization, which is Wantagh High School’s student government, Sean and Nyla are at the center of student life. The organization hosts events throughout the year and spearheads several charitable endeavors. But those initiatives only make up a small part of Sean and Nyla’s monthly reports. They have connections with club officers and team captains, who provide them with noteworthy information.

“I’ve always really loved to be involved in school,” Nyla said. “With student government, you have a hands-on impact.”

Sean and Nyla said their goal is to show local residents the “pretty amazing things” happening in the school and also how Wantagh’s programs have a positive impact on both the school and the town. 

“It’s great to share with the Wantagh community what students are doing academically, athletically and in extracurricular activities,” Sean said. ““It brings the community joy and confidence, knowing that students are doing great things.” 

They also want to be able to take pertinent information at the board meeting and share it with their peers. Each meeting, they receive a packet that includes the agenda and presentations.

In addition to serving as co-president of student government, Sean is vice president of the Wantagh Foundation for Furthering the Sciences, activities coordinator for the National Honor Society, and a member of the Key Club, Science Olympiad and Spanish Club. Nyla is an officer for the junior class, a member of Model Congress and the school newspaper, and is a three-sport athlete in tennis, track and lacrosse. 

The student trustees say that this will be an invaluable experience in helping their public speaking skills while also giving them some perspective on the innerworkings of a school district and civic involvement.