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Business Honor Society Induction

The Wantagh High School Business Education Department held its National Business Honor Society (NBHS) Induction and Awards Ceremony March 15th in front of an audience of parents, friends, faculty, staff, school administrators, and Board members.

The ceremony opened with the smooth sounds of the Wantagh High School Jazz Band playing jazz classic “Misty” as the junior and senior students entered before taking their seats.  After a warm welcome from Co-President Dean Roumbos and acknowledgements from NBHS officers, 75 students from the class of 2023 and 2024 walked across the stage to receive their certificate and official pin signaling their official induction.

Before the ceremony concluded, Ashlee Favata was presented with the Nancy O’Connor Business Education Achievement Award and a $500 scholarship. This award is presented to the student who has taken at least four business classes, has a 90+ average in all business classes, recommended by all business teachers in the Business Education Department, is a member of at least one student business education organization, and 250-word essay. The award is sponsored by former Business Education teacher, Carole Sorgen.

Seven students received certificates for Outstanding Commitment to Business Education. This award is given to students that have shown the most commitment to the business department by taking the most business classes.