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Seniors in the Spotlight at Awards Night

Dozens of students from the Wantagh High School Class of 2023 were recognized for their accomplishments over the last four years during the annual Senior Awards Night on May 30. More than 50 awards and scholarships were presented during the festive ceremony, which brings the school and community together.

Presenters included board of education trustees, administrators, teachers, PTA leaders, alumni, community residents, officers of local service organizations and business owners. Darlene Thompson, the senior scholarship coordinator, was the master of ceremonies. General organization co-President Sean Browne and Miss Wantagh Lilly Sloves led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Dr. Paul Guzzone said the award recipients include students who have focused on academics, made a positive difference in the school and global community, and found innovative ways to put their skills on display. 

Class of 2023 valedictorian Katherine Killian was the recipient of the board of education’s Paideia Award for leadership, scholarship and service. It was presented by Board President Laura Reich.

Salutatorian Nora Toscano received the Superintendent’s Excelsior Award for achievement and dedication, presented by Superintendent John McNamara. Katherine and Nora also both earned the President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence.

Markus King and Lilly Sloves received the Wantagh High School Assistant Principal Award, chosen by assistant principals Nick Pappas and Dr. Christopher Widmann. Joanna Valvo earned the Black and Gold Award, and Sean Browne was recognized with the board of education Appreciation Award for his service as a student liaison this year. 

Scholarships were presented to graduating seniors from several parent-teacher organizations including the PTA Council, 6-12 Association, Forest Lake, Mandalay and Wantagh elementary PTAs and SEPTA. Awards night concluded with memorial scholarships in honor of former Wantagh staff, students and community members.