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WHS Students Face History at 9/11 Museum

On Wednesday, August 23rd, approximately 100 students and chaperones from Wantagh High School got a glimpse into the events of September 11, 2001 while visiting the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC courtesy of the Gary Sinise Foundation founded by actor Gary Sinise known for his roles in Academy-Award winning film Forest Gump, and Apollo 13.

As part of this inaugural educational experience, students enjoyed a guided tour of the 9/11 memorial, also referred to as the World Trade Center “footprints,” and learned the significance of the name order on the memorial which is not alphabetical.  Shortly after, students were ushered into the museum auditorium where they were addressed by members from museum Education & Public Program representatives followed by heralding personal stories from FDNY Chief and GSF Ambassador Danny Prince and medically retired 101st and 82nd Airborne Veteran Jeremy Haynes who was injured in Afghanistan.

Gib Bosworth, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach for the Gary Sinise Foundation, continued to encourage students to take each moment for what it is, connect to it and share what was learned to keep the stories alive. He also asked students to go back to their community and find a way to pay respect and honor those who serve.

During the self-guided tour of the museum, students learned about the impact on the building’s structure as well as personal artifacts donated by families of the victims giving clarity to the actual events of the day 21 years ago. “Seeing it firsthand really does put it in perspective,” Vita Barretta said. “All the artifacts and the pieces of steel really show the real damage of what it did and how bad it really was. It definitely opened my eyes to what happened and how people reacted and came together.”

Short films Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden and Facing Crisis: America Under Attack which each lasted approximately 15 minutes highlighted historical important facts and events during and after September 11, 2001. The day concluded with a visit to FDNY Ten House located directly across from the World Trade Center which served as a command center during the recovery period after 9/11.