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Summer Readers Rewarded at Wantagh High School

Wantagh High School’s summer readers were celebrated at an afterschool event on Sept. 27, which featured numerous raffle drawings. Students received one ticket for each book read over the summer, which they could use to enter prize drawings.

Director of Humanities Julie Rosslee welcomed students, teachers and administrators to the second annual celebration in the library. She commended students for being so engaged with literature over their summer vacation, as several earned multiple raffle entries. They had to fill out a Google Form for each book read, then have a text discussion with their English language arts teacher to receive a ticket. 

Each of the 20 raffle prizes consisted of a book and gift certificate to a local business. The Wantagh High School Library and Wantagh Public Library contributed the books, and the gift certificates were donated by local restaurants, and hair and nail salons. ELA teachers drew winners and presented the prizes.