Student Liaisons Bring a Valuable Voice to Board Meetings
Ready to share all the accomplishments of Wantagh High School’s student body, Danny Donahue and Isabella Kugal proudly take their seats in the front of the room at each board of education meeting. As the general organization co-presidents, they also serve as the student liaisons to the board, giving a thorough report on student life.
They both sought the position knowing it came with the added responsibility of attending a nightly meeting every month, and the ability to represent their school before the community was part of what enticed them. Danny, a junior, and Isabella, a senior, have big goals for their dual roles as co-presidents and board liaisons.
“I love that we’re able to have this responsibility,” Isabella said, noting the warm welcome she and Danny received from board trustees at their first meeting in September. “They made us feel like we’re equals. They set a mentality that they want to hear from us and our opinions matter.”
“It’s so cool that we have at board of education meetings students with first-hand experience of what’s happening at our high school,” Danny added.
Wantagh has had student liaisons to the board of education for more than a decade. They do not vote or attend executive sessions, but they sit at the same table as the trustees and central administrators, and give a voice to the students.
In addition to taking numerous Advanced Placement courses, Danny and Isabella are extremely involved in student life at Wantagh High School. Danny has been the Class of 2026 president for three years, is treasurer of the Surfride Oceanic Conservation Club, the string ensemble liaison to the Wantagh Performing Arts Booster Club, a three-year player on the varsity volleyball team including captain this year, and a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society and Peer Mentors.
Isabella started the Environmental Advocacy Club, belongs to several academic honor societies, is treasurer of Science Olympiad and is pursuing the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish. She was captain of the junior varsity lacrosse team, and will move up to the varsity team for the spring season.
Danny and Isabella have ambitious goals as co-presidents of the general organization, and met several times over the summer to discuss ideas. They hope to partner with more outside organizations for community service projects, further raise school and community spirit, and bring in motivational speakers who can educate students through real-world experiences.
As co-presidents, they have strong connections among the student body, which helps them gather information for their detailed board reports. They look to highlight student achievements, club activities and fundraisers, special events, athletic accomplishments and more.
“Us going out and talking to people is the way we want to do it,” Danny said. “We want to be the friendly faces that everyone can come up and talk to. We want to highlight all the positives of what Wantagh students and Wantagh groups are doing in the school.”
After being selected as general organization co-presidents and board liaisons, Danny and Isabella said they received advice and encouragement from Nyla Lester, a Class of 2024 graduate who did both roles for two years. They understand the time and dedication they must devote to the position in addition to the academic demands, and also the partnerships they must forge with other student leaders. Danny and Isabella are up for the challenge.
“I like working with other people and knowing we can achieve something much greater,” Isabella said. “That keeps me motivated.”